Amy: Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer – MI COCINA / UBI-IND
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Amy: Enjoying the Dog Days of Summer


We recently caught up with Amy Hoban at her Venice Beach bungalow. She is the Creative Director of the home goods purveyor Parachute and a dear friend of the founder here at UBI-IND.

Amy's music tastes vary, but for a dinner party she likes a mix of emerging artists and old classics. Etta James to start, then some Arcade Fire, Bon Iver, and of course, Bowie.





“Summer dinner
parties should
i n c l u d e a n
intoxicating mix
o f s t y l e a n d













Amy believes a
few essentials are
needed for a
great dinner
party: a signature
cocktail , and
great table


The evening’s menu has a Mediterranean influence: healthy and tasty. A huge pasta fan, Amy likes to incorporate something fun with grilled vegetables.